How was your Christmas? We had a great time - still having a great time.
My dad came to visit a few days before and that was really nice. Both my brothers came to visit along with Gabe's girlfriend, Amanda, and they're still here.
Christmas morning was typical fare, but so fun. The kids were just ecstatic and played and played all day long with their new treasures. Sterling's favorite was his two transformers he got from "Uncle Gabe". Jackson's was anything that belonged to Sterling (isn't that always how it goes?). We got a trampoline from the Hammonds and we're looking forward to being able to set it up. It dumped about 7 inches of snow on us Christmas Eve, so it will be a bit before we can get out there.
We love you all!
ps the photo to the left is one from our recent photo shoot with Brad's entire family last week. There's certainly more to come, but the photographer emailed a couple samples to me.